Many walls have been built
to separate people but this one
is here to unite them…

It all began by a hanger in 2016,
but the Wall of Kindness
is so much more…
During the economic recession, a necessity for creating spots within the city was generated, with the purpose of supporting people who needed food. Those spots were called “Walls of kindness”, on which we placed colorful hangers. There, whoever wanted could, anonymously, leave food, clothes, toys, shoes, books, etc. for a fellow human being in need. This private initiative, which began as a spontaneous act to support and provide assistance to the people affected by the recession, very rapidly expanded to many parallel love chains. It is worth mentioning that it is one of its kind, functioning in Greece, thanks to our fellow citizens’ sensitization on social issues. It should be noted that similar efforts began in 2016 in many other cities but ceased operating within a few months. However, in Drama, we soon realized that we cannot limit our actions only to the hangers’ service. The local society’s needs were urged and finally led us to extend our deeds, reaching 2019, when we succeeded in acquiring legal presence and becoming officially a Union of Volunteers.
Our union pays special attention to the problems that arise, and we try to find a solution by helping quietly, anonymously, unselfishly and mainly with humanity and respect to our fellow
beings’ dignity.
The “Wall of Kindness” is an idea
and ideas must be spread around the world
All this has happened because, since February 2016 until today, we have become aware of our society’s requirements and we have broadened our field of action by providing help in many sections. We are also releasing various love chains in order to promote volunteerism. The “Wall of Kindness” is an idea and ideas must be spread around the world. So, we let it all these years take us on a journey and lead us where there is need. At the same time, it daily comes to our attention that many of our fellow citizens want to help their fellow people but do not know in what way. We are glad that the Wall constitutes a response to that issue and that, through our actions, we offer the means to spread love and support to every direction.
Our work has been loved and embraced by many people, who unselfishly show their support and participate actively by sharing solidarity and even more volunteers of various ages become active in our team, even from other cities.
Our vision and new goals
Our vision is to expand our actions even more, to accomplish new goals and to make volunteering a way of life! One of our favorite mottos is: Many walls have been built to separate people but THIS ONE is here to unite them…and this is what we wish to achieve!